Monday, November 2, 2020

As teachers, we are always looking for ways to get the biggest bang for our buck during instruction. Therefore, when you're planning always determine how to make your literacy instruction align with not only the standards, but also align to other areas within the Balanced Literacy Model for instruction. By doing so, your students see the cohesion of your lessons and fundamentally have a stronger foundation to transfer the learning. Take a moment to read the quick tip on reading and writing instruction below.

Hopefully, you'll find it helpful to your teaching!

Ways Reading Can Support Writing Instruction

You may have heard the phrases: “Writing helps to grow readers and Reading helps writers grow!” or you may have heard: “Read like a writer and write like a reader!” Well these phrases are actually true! Good readers most times become good writers and good writers are often good readers. 

So here’s a quick Literacy Tip for you…

When planning your reading instruction allow your writing instruction to be like the flip side of the coin. Plan reading mini lessons that will strengthen your writing mini-lessons. For example, when teaching narrative writing, choose read alouds that display great small moment stories. Check out this site to find

 The Top 10 Anchor (Mentor) Text for Small Moment Writing.

When you expose your students to great narrative small moment stories, they will better be able to relate to the concept of a small moment. Additionally, you can implement reading strategies that will essentially help them to be better readers and writers! 

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