We have reached that time of year again. It's the time of year that students are urged to demonstrate how much they have learned within the school year on
1 high stakes test! Undoubtedly, it can be a stressful time for both students and teachers. Certainly 1 test cannot illustrate how much progress your students have accomplished the entire school year. Yet; as we approach this inevitable time of year, knowing that high stakes testing will probably be around for a while, we have to ask ourselves, how can we prepare our students and hinder some of the anxiety that comes along with testing? We must remember: "Our anxiety comes from wanting to control what the future holds. Preparation begins at the beginning of the school year. Teaching students the critical skills that they need to conquer both the test and the anxieties that may come along with it begins long before time for the TEST. Certainly we are not in control of the future, but starting with the "end in mind" leads us to prepare for how we would like to end our school year! Consider sharing the following test taking advice to help your students
SCORE on the TEST!
Successful test taking
avoids carelessness. Remember you are demonstrating your ability to understand
course material or perform certain tasks. Analyze your previous tests and tasks
that have been provided by your teachers. Take into to account that each test
prepares you for the next.
Consider things that you
need beforehand to avoid panic when preparing for tests or the task at hand.
This avoids anxiety and stress. Keep a good attitude and remind yourself that
you will do your best.
Orient yourself with the
objectives of the test to eliminate obvious incorrect answers.
Read and Review if you
have time. Resist the urge to rush to complete your exams. Check to make sure
that you have answered all the questions, and have not made any errors or
mis-marked any questions.
Examine your tests and
make sure you have evaluated it in its entirety before completion and
essentially all of your efforts will be rewarded!
Hopefully, your students will SCORE successfully if they consider all of the following steps!